
Islands of freshness

Innovative bio-inspired solution based on vegetation to counteract climate change and reduce the heat effect of public spaces. Our premise is simple: to offer vegetation solutions in areas where it is not possible to plant trees. Lightweight, autonomous and modular, it adapts to any location, offering a climatic refuge where urban temperature is reduced and environmental quality is improved for the health and well-being of citizens.

Mini Corolla

Shadow: 20m2
Measurements: 3m x 5m
Base: Steel/Aluminum
Irrigation: Mid Tech


Shade: 50m2
Measurements: 5m x 8m
Base: Steel/Aluminum
Irrigation: Mid Tech / High Tech



An array of sensors continuously captures climate data from the Corola and its surroundings. The data available through Aurora allows the tracking of the good development of the plants, irrigation system, solar power system, as well as the monitoring of all the environmental data of the space where it has been located.



Creation of environmentally efficient islands through shading and misting available for all models.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-11-21 a las 8.43.08

Vegetable Palette

Selection of climbing plants adapted to the support and climate of the area.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-11-21 a las 8.45.51

Climatic shelters

The scalable modular system allows for large shade coverage.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-11-21 a las 8.46.02


Customize the Corolla according to your needs.

Other solutions


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Climate shelters

Our Climate Refuges create liveable and sustainable environments that contribute to reducing the heat effect. Through a smart combination of sustainable elements, we generate more shade, lower high temperatures, and promote social interaction.

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