Our facilities

At Cinnia, our commitment to social and environmental responsibility is evident in every corner of our facilities, which, in response to the contemporary challenges facing society, have been carefully designed to be a beacon of excellence in sustainable management. Key elements converge here, ranging from integration into the natural environment to the optimization of resources such as energy and water.


The creation of exterior and interior landscaped areas, on the ground floor and roof, reinforces the integration of the facility into the natural environment.

In the treatment of energy, special emphasis has been placed on the use of natural resources to obtain the different environmental conditions. Health, ecology, economy and sustainability are achieved through elaborate design and optimized management. The building’s south-facing orientation optimizes the use of the sun to provide natural interior lighting and to heat the facilities. There is an abundance of natural light that penetrates through the different resources arranged as the glazed facade. This allows the entry of natural light correctly projected thanks to the different control systems.
Water treatment is a fundamental resource of these facilities, based on the premise of considering the correct management of the water cycle as a basic pillar of the business philosophy. The resources used to achieve these objectives are based on the collection of water for purification and reuse. A green roof system has been designed, which in turn contributes significantly to the interior thermal insulation, for the collection, storage and conduction of rainwater to a circuit where it is purified for subsequent reuse.
For water storage, devices have been installed to obtain a complete reuse cycle. The facilities consist of a system of subway tanks with a total capacity of 80,000 liters to store the rainwater collected throughout the cycle. A green filter system is used to treat the wastewater, which consists of applying a controlled flow of wastewater to the surface of the land to reduce the organic matter present once the pretreatment and primary treatment phases have been completed. This biological process is carried out through the joint action of soil, microorganisms and plants, a triple action, physical, chemical and biological.

The whole system that surrounds the building provides a total integration with the natural environment.


Green areas with plants have also been arranged in the different interior rooms to provide better air quality and integration with the environment.


At Cinnia, sustainability is not just a purpose, it is a philosophy ingrained in every facet of our facilities. From the building’s orientation strategy to take advantage of natural light, to the innovative approach to water treatment as a key resource, every detail has been carefully planned, highlighting our commitment to sustainable management.