5 CSR commitments

1 | Offering sustainable solutions

We innovate to offer products and services that meet the challenges of sustainable development.


Urban Innovation

At Cinnia, our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility is reflected in our contribution to the sustainable development of urban environments. We understand that responsible resource management is essential to the well-being of the urban communities we serve. By minimizing environmental impact and maintenance costs over time, we reinforce our commitment to sustainability and responsible resource management.



With the inclusion of software methodologies and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, our goal is to improve mobility management and urban safety. The implementation of mechanisms for early prediction of incidents and alerts contributes to the creation of safer and more efficient urban environments. Our commitment goes beyond operational efficiency: we seek to provide urban managers with tools that facilitate informed decision making, with the goal of improving the common good.



Our attention to the quality and durability of signage elements not only ensures safety, but also reduces the need for frequent replacements, thus reducing waste and promoting responsible resource management. We work closely with local authorities and community organizations to adapt our solutions to specific needs, ensuring harmonious integration into the urban environment.

2 | Environmental Footprint Reduction

Reducing energy consumption in our facilities is a priority objective. To this end, we implemented measures such as consumption monitoring and environmental awareness in all Cinnia departments. All employees are aware of and participate in this commitment. We are committed to a comprehensive approach ranging from operational efficiency to the adoption of cleaner technologies and the promotion of sustainable practices throughout our organization. We work on the development of innovative and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. We reduce the use of ink and paper in our communications.

3 | Supply Chain Responsibility

In our commitment to sustainability, we seek not only to offer sustainable products and services, but also to make our suppliers active participants in this process.

These topics range from the adoption of low-carbon purchasing practices to the promotion of the circular economy, the social and solidarity economy, as well as other social and environmental issues. We ensure that CSR criteria and requirements are effectively integrated into our supply chain.

In doing so, we not only strengthen our commitment to sustainability, but also create synergies that benefit all parties involved in our business ecosystem.

4 | Continuous development

At Cinnia, we understand that our organization’s most valuable resource is our employees. For this reason, we are committed to continually investing in the development of their capabilities, ensuring that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a constantly evolving work environment.

We offer training tailored to the specific needs of each employee, providing a personalized approach to enhance their strengths and address areas for improvement. We recognize the importance of adapting to changes in the industry and strive to prepare our employees for future challenges. We keep our employees informed about the latest trends and developments in the industry, ensuring that they are equipped to deal effectively with change.

We encourage creativity and innovation, providing our employees with a space to propose and develop new ideas that drive the company’s growth. We promote a culture of lifelong learning in which knowledge is shared and valued. We guarantee equal advancement opportunities for all our employees, regardless of their origin or current position. We implement promotion policies based on merit and contribution, ensuring that all people have equal opportunities to advance in their careers.


5 | Safe working environment

We understand that safety in the workplace is not only a legal requirement, but also an essential component of the overall well-being of our working community.

Our company has sound safety policies that establish standards and practices to ensure a safe working environment. We recognize the importance of safety training to prevent accidents and promote safe behavior. We encourage open communication between employees and supervisors to promptly report any safety issues. We organize safety awareness programs to highlight the importance of safe practices and promote individual and collective responsibility.

We strive to ensure that all aspects of our work environment are aligned with the highest safety standards.