Our track record

1992: Pioneers in Innovation

In 1992, the French group Signaux Girod opened its first and only subsidiary in Barcelona, Spain, under the name Señales Girod. We set a milestone by introducing to the market the use of aluminum materials for vertical road signs, demonstrating their durability and superior aesthetics. This innovation had a significant influence on the transition from steel to
aluminum in road signaling in the Autonomous Community, actively participating in the drafting of the new manuals that are currently in force.

1994: Expansion and Diversification

In 1994, we expanded our business areas to include road marking services. The headquarters were moved to Vidreres (Girona), where we continued our operations until 2011.

1996: National Coverage

In 1996, our commercial network is present throughout Spain, mainland and islands.

2011: New Chapter

In 2011, we opened new facilities in Maçanet de la Selva (Girona) where our values and our mission as a company culture are projected.

2019: Transformation

In 2019, we adapted our corporate name to reflect the breadth of services and solutions we offer our clients, becoming Girodservices.

2020: New challenges

In 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we underwent a rapid transformation to a new technological concept and with it CINNIA was born. This initiative merged industrial elements with technology, generating digital and urban solutions that seek to transform our environment and contribute to the well-being of people.

2022: International Consolidation

In 2022, CINNIA GROUP consolidates with the exit of the French group from which we came, thus evolving into a global company with a high growth potential in various fields and markets. We connect environments and societies in an integral project, capable of providing 360º solutions.

2023: Commitment to Innovation

In 2023, CINNIA will position itself as a leader in innovation, developing
disruptive solutions with a high impact on cities and society. Its commitment to Urban Innovation and Digitalization means that it is opening up to new markets with a high added value proposal.