Electronic signaling

Dynamic information

Electronic signage enhances the efficiency of conventional signage systems by complementing and augmenting the visual messages conveyed to drivers and residents in certain environments or locations. In this way, we not only display informative and indicative content, but also achieve dynamic and interactive messages. This type of signage has revolutionized the way information is presented and communicated, offering numerous advantages and advances over conventional signage methods.

Signaling reinforced with LEDs

Through the application of LED light points around the vertical signage, we reinforce and increase the initial message that the driver receives and add a point of attention by indicating that he is approaching or passing through an area that requires a change in his way of driving.

It can be used in all types of signage where the objective is to reinforce the message to be conveyed and increase its visibility. It is usually used in conflictive or low visibility points.

Pedagogical radars

Far from seeking sanctions or punishment, educational radars intervene in the circulation of all types of vehicles by transmitting instantaneous information and with the aim of making the driver himself aware of the way he is driving.

With its interactive interface, it displays on screen the actual and current speed of the person passing through that point, reinforcing the message in a positive or negative way by means of colors or images that convey to the driver the urgency to change speed or maintain that pace.

Illuminated pedestrian crossing

Illuminated pedestrian crossings reinforce the usual horizontal signaling at those points of poor visibility where the driver cannot clearly see the pedestrian crossing. It is often used in poorly lit areas at certain times of the day or at low visibility intersections where the driver's range of vision is reduced.

Through the use of LEDS integrated in the asphalt and in the existing signage itself, it offers a light reinforcement that helps to increase the driver's attention. It can also be used with motion sensors that turn on the LEDs only when a pedestrian approaches or intends to cross.

Variable directional signaling

Conventional static directional signage may not be fully adapted to certain more specific and concrete needs. Our variable signage panels are the result of this need.

Through these screens, the managing body chooses the message that is reflected on them, so they can change it as needed and instantly. Widely used in traffic control and diversion, they generate dynamism and allow drivers and citizens to make informed decisions in real time.

Dynamic panel

In line with variable directional signage, and in our ideal of creating more sustainable environments, our dynamic panels allow us to reflect the message desired by the managing body. Unlike directional panels, this type of panel is designed to reflect signage messages in digital format or specific messages that are quick to interpret for people passing by.

Interactive totem

Digital signage is also adapted to the totem format to achieve a combination of signage and avant-garde. It manages to dynamize the passage of citizens and vehicles and interact with them through the different messages that can be launched while adding other functionalities such as passage counting.

With our digital solutions, we avoid the repetitive manufacturing of different types of signage to include in a single one the different messages we want to convey.

Other solutions

Environmental signage

Signage in natural areas plays a key role in promoting environmentally friendly behavior and in educating visitors about the importance of conservation.

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