Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that are installed on the computers from which you access our website. Among other purposes, cookies record a user’s preferences and browsing habits. Although they are associated with that user and his or her computer, they do not provide directly identifying data. There are cookies, such as, for example, those that allow statistics or advertising, which require the consent of the user of our site. On the other hand, others, such as those of a technical nature or those necessary to provide a service requested by the user, are essential for the operation of the site. Cookies can be classified according to how long they are valid, who manages them or their purpose.


Session: are temporary and remain in the cookie file of the browser you use to enter the website until you leave the site.

Persistent: remain stored and are read by the website each time you visit.


Own: are those belonging to the owner of the website from which the services are provided to the user.

From third parties: are sent to the user by a third party other than the owner of the site.


Necessary: the essential ones to facilitate your connection. There is no option to disable them, as they are necessary for the operation of the website.

Technicalthose that allow controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session and accessing restricted access pages, among others.

Preferences: allow us to remember your choices (for example, your language or the region from which you access), in order to provide you with advanced services.

Analytics: provide statistical information and allow to improve services.

Advertising: to offer advertising content related to the user’s interests, either directly or through third parties (“adservers”).

Geolocationto know the geographic location of the user.

We list the cookies used by our website, giving each user the option (last column) to authorize their download.

PurposeSupplierCookie nameManagementValidityFunction
TechniquesOwnPHPSESSIDOwn1 yearPHPSESSID. This cookie is used by the PHP encryption language to allow SESSION variables to be stored on the web server.
TechniquesOwnwp-settings-time-1, wp-settings-1Own1 yearThese cookies are used by WordPress to customize the User Interface.
TechniquesOwnwordpress_logged_in_Own1 yearAfter the loggin, WordPress sets the wordpress_logged_in_ cookie, whose function is to indicate when you are logged in and who you are, being used by the WordPress interface.
TechniquesOwnwp-wpml_current_languageOwn1 yearAllows the user’s language to be remembered
TechniquesOwncookieConsentOwn6 monthsSaves the value of the acceptance of the cookie banner.
TechniquesOwndateExpireCookieOwn6 monthsSaves the expiration date of the cookie from the cookie banner.
AnalyticalGOOGLE_gaThird parties2 yearsProvide website usage statistics. They may also be used in conjunction with some of the advertising cookies described above to display more relevant ads on Google properties
AnalyticalGOOGLE_gidThird parties23 hoursIt records a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.
AnalyticalGOOGLE_gatThird parties1 minuteIt is used to limit the percentage of requests. If Google Analytics has been implemented using Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_.
AdvertisingFacebook_fbpThird parties3 monthsUsed by Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time offers from third-party advertisers.


From this panel you can configure the cookies that the website can install on your browser, except for technical or functional cookies that are necessary for navigation and use of the different options or services offered.

Access to the panel

You can revoke your consent to the use of cookies by deleting them using the options offered by your browser. You can also configure your browser to inform you in advance of the possible installation of cookies. Information on how to do this can be found in the following links.

– For Firefox(link)

– For Chrome(link)

– For Explorer(link)

– For Edge(link)

– For Safari for IOS(link)

– For Opera(link)