UrbanW is much more than a civil works company. UrbanW is a team of professionals specialized in urban transformation that fuses innovation and sustainability to create dynamic and connected urban environments.

Specialists in the installation of elements and solutions on public roads to create safer urban environments.

We make the transformation of the urban landscape a reality with natural and digital solutions.

With more than 30 years of experience, our team of experts ensures the quality of installations in compliance with existing regulations or for specific customer requirements.

UrbanW, a passionate team of professionals that brings functional and beautiful urban spaces to life. Able to manage, produce and realize any type of transformation of the urban environment, we pay attention to every detail to ensure a positive impact on communities and inhabitants. Inspired by Hundertwasser, we integrate organic and creative elements, harmonizing nature and the built environment.

Committed to preserving and respecting the environment, we work with sustainable practices. Whether revitalizing urban areas, creating vibrant parks or building green housing, we seek a balance between urban development and nature.
Our services