Urban innovation

Eco-stable Ground

Eco-Stable Ground, a solution based on a mixture of aggregates and natural additives based on nanotechnology, transforms soils into stable surfaces. Ideal for rural roads, parks, urban squares and integrated natural spaces.

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Innovative bio-inspired solution based on vegetation to counteract climate change and reduce the heat effect of public spaces. Our premise is simple: to offer vegetation solutions in areas where it is not possible to plant trees.

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Greenwall is a vertical solution using a vegetation system. It offers a wide range of plant possibilities for both outdoor and indoor spaces.

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Cinnia’s Urban Innovation department develops Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) that offer solutions to efficiently manage water and create sustainable spaces in collaboration with engineers, architects and landscape designers.

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At Cinnia, we encourage biodiversity and creativity in naturalization projects. Combining vegetation and architecture is fundamental to sustainable development.

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Aqua ReLive

Benefits Reduces the demand for potable water, recovering 70% of the water used in toilets, showers, sinks, washing machines, etc. Very low investment cost with fast payback. Unlike other purification systems, Aqua ReLive achieves a high quality of reclaimed water. Easy installation and maintenance. Process of primary sedimentation, biological oxidation, equalization pump, ultrafiltration and permeate removal in a single system. It can be adapted to different types of flow rates. The system includes a reclaimed water storage tank to be able to adapt to the demand and need at any given moment. Very low maintenance costs. Scalable system, adaptable to any environment and need, from private homes to large complexes such as gyms, hotels, etc. It can be installed above

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Climate shelters

Our Climate Refuges create liveable and sustainable environments that contribute to reducing the heat effect. Through a smart combination of sustainable elements, we generate more shade, lower high temperatures, and promote social interaction.

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Intelligent and sustainable environments catalog